Yalçın Kaya Freelance Translator/Interpreter

  • / Beyoğlu
  • 12 Aralık 2019
  • 994
İşletme ID:11146

Yalçın Kaya Freelance Translator/Interpreter

Firma Hakkında

I am a qualified freelance Turkish translator/interpreter. I am based in London, the United Kingdom, and I provide multilingual services of translation/interpreting to companies and individuals around the world. Services extend to any location in the world, wherever communication means and the Internet are able to .

Services include Translation, Proofreading, Localization; Interpreting (whispered, consecutive, face-to-face, telephone); Transcription; Voice-over; Subtitling in Turkish<>English.

UK cell        : +44 (0) 75 1017 6427
E-mail         : info@yalcinkaya.co.uk
Website      : www.yalcinkaya.co.uk
Skype          : Available upon request
Twitter       : Available upon request
Facebook   : Available upon request

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